A Side Trip to Macau

by - August 15, 2015

If you are planning to go for a side trip to Macau while you are in Hong Kong I strongly suggest that you push through with your plan. Macau is just one ferry ride away from Hong Kong which cost us around $177 HKD one way. Just a reminder, do not forget to bring your passport and your disembarkation card.

Upon our arrival in Macau the first thing that we searched for is the concierge or the tourist help desk. We made sure we got ourselves a map of the place. According to our research there is a shuttle bus around the area which can take us to the Venetian Hotel and true to our research we found the bus just right outside the ferry pier and what's even better is that it is free, yes you read that right it was totally free. Most of the big hotels in Macau offer free shuttle service. The bus took us straight to The Venetian which was magnificent. It is by far the most beautiful hotel I have ever seen. 

Our next stop after The Venetian Hotel is the famous Ruins of St. Paul's located in the busy city center of Macau, again our ride going to this famous place is free. Oh yes it is free. We rode a shuttle service again, this time around we crossed the road towards The City of Dreams to ride their free shuttle service. We were very fortunate because there were a lot of Filipinos in Macau who were very kind and they helped us navigate our way through the city. 

The way going to The City of Dreams wasn't very difficult to find, what was difficult for us was finding The Ruins of St. Paul's because it is like a hidden gem in the heart of Macau. But then again lady luck was on our side because just when we were about to give up looking for the ruins tadah the sign pointing as to where it is located miraculously appeared right before our very eyes.

(Pardon my awkward pose and smile for I was so tired when this photo was taken.)

Going back to Hong Kong from Macau was not very hard also. All we did was find the shuttle service going to The Galaxy Hotel and once got there they have a shuttle service going to the ferry pier and all we did was bought our ferry tickets and that just pretty much wraps our entire aside trip experience. We should have visited the Macau tower though but well there is always a next time. ;)

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