Make your Summer extra special this year!

by - April 03, 2014

It's summer time once again! I bet most are planning to go to the beach very soon to enjoy the summer feel while some may choose to enjoy the comforts of their own homes.

Here are a few suggestions on how to make your summer more productive and fun without spending a fortune.

1. Read a book - Some may think this is so boring but believe me once you finish reading one you will feel accomplished and a little smarter than before. You don't know what are the good books that you can read? I will be posting another blog entry soon for some of the good reads I had recently for your reading reference,but don't worry I won't spill all the juicy details.

2. Go for an adventure - Now this maybe expensive for some but I say it doesn't necesarily have to be one. Go some place you've  never been before. Travel. You will gain new knowledge, meet new people, experience different culture, and try new delicacies. You can try surfing in Aurora, hike on some known mountains, swim with the dolphins in Ocean Adventure or visit Batanes.

3. Learn a new skill - We all have that certain craving to be more than who we were yesterday. Whether that is learning how to bake, or how to paint, or how to swim you can try to learn those things this summer. You can enroll in sports clinic this summer or baking class or cooking class.

There are lots of things you can try this summer to make it extra memorable, all you have to do is find your own kind of summer fun. :)

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