My New Journey to a Better Version of ME

by - April 26, 2014

Last April 21, 2014 I started a new journey. A journey to a profession I never thought I would pursue, but now I do. I was never really the person who loves standing and talking in front of everybody. I am a very timid person. I am the kind of girl who will just sit in one corner and just let everybody in the class to participate in the discussion while I just listen, I just stand up and answer if I am asked to. Who would have thought that I will pursue my studies towards becoming a teacher given the things I have mentioned. I am now currently enrolled in a CPTE program in BSU to acquire 18 units so that I will be able to take the Licensure Exam for Teachers. Sometimes I ask myself if this is really what I traded for the life I had as a staff nurse in the most prestigious hospital in the Philippines but then I remember all the reasons why I had to leave. The path I'm threading right now is not an easy one. I'm having quite a hard time right now but I know that the hard times will soon pass. My goal of going to America one day is still there but right now all I know is I am doing this for myself so that I will become a better professional and  a better version of me.

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