How to stretch that 100 pesos to the fullest

by - April 28, 2014

Yes I am paying my school fees using my own money, the money I saved when I was still working and earning moolah from SLMC. I will admit that I'm finding my situation quite hard right now. I mean, I am on the second week already of a 6 weeks long 2 semester short course. I use my own savings for my tranportation allowance and for my other school related expenses. I never thought I would come to this point but I am glad that I did. I am learning a lot of things right now especially the value of money. I only budget P100 for my 3 days of classes in a week. Yes believe it or not I am surviving with that budget, I was able to surpass the first week and I intend to surpass all the other coming weeks ahead as well. How do I get by P33 daily allowance? I stretch my money to the fullest extent I could. I go to school with my Mom in the morning, my father usually drop her off to her office which is near my school so I get my morning ride to school for free. I bring packed lunch to school so I wouldn't have to spend a penny for lunch, I am not a picky eater so I can get by any food available in our fridge for me to pack for my lunch. And since I do not have long breaks in the afternoon there is no time for us to buy any snack so I just bring some snacks from our house like biscuits and the like. After class I do not hang out with my classmates anymore like what I used to do before, this time I go straight home. My transportation fare when I go home is P8 only whenever my Dad picks up my Mom after her work but if not I spend P15 for the jeepney ride and P30 for the tricycle ride, well it only happens during Fridays. So whoever thought P100 can't go a long way is very much mistaken, look at me, my P100 lasts for a week. :)

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