Mango Jam

Last April and May we had abundant supply of mangoes from our backyard that we didnt know what to do with so many mangoes. The number of mangoes we harvested was so over whelming. I was afraid they will just rot so I decided to try to preserve some by making mango jams.

- ripe mangoes
- sugar
- calamansi juice

In a sauce pan I place the sliced mangoes and the sugar together with a small drop of calamansi juice. The proportion depended on how many mangoes I was going to make into a jam. I decided to use some calamansi juice to balance the sweetness brought about by the mangoes and the sugar.  I strongly advice not to put any water in it because the mango fruit will release its water content through out the cooking process so its not really necessary to put water into it. I let the mangoes boil, it took a while like 15-20 minutes before the mangoes had a thick consistency. After that I let the jam cool first before putting it into cute a jar.

And that is my simple mango jam recipe.

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