I've been looking around the internet for some sites where I can read interesting stories and articles. Yahoo has always provided us good articles but I wanted to take a different path from the usual sites people go to this days. As I continue my hunt I remembered several sites my friends in Facebook posted before. Here are three of my most favorite sites these days:
- Elite Daily - I love reading self-help articles. This site provides article from daily life to travels. What I love the most about this site is their LIFE category in their page. I was able to find a lot of tips in growing up and getting my head in the game through this site so I definitely recommend this website.
- Buzz Feed - You can find the most amazing stories to the craziest ones in Buzz Feed they've got everything covered. This site will never fail to give you wonderful articles worth-reading maybe several times. Some of their articles come with gifs too that would definitely keep you interested in what they have written.
- Thought Catalog - This is my new found love. I love how their articles swings from north to south yet I find each and every one of their articles very compelling. From politics to entertainment they've got it all covered.