Flying for the First Time

by - October 28, 2014

If you are a first timer in flying abroad like me then you might be feeling the same thing as I do. I am very excited but at the same time I am worried that i might forget something and end up having to buy that elsewhere. So I am flying somewhere tomorrow and I will be staying there for the next few days, I won't be divulging yet where I would be going but rest assured that i will post lots of pictures after my trip so hang in there you guys because I'ma be flooding you guys with tons of photos later.

I have been reading a handful of articles about what to bring when you are traveling abroad and I actually read a lot of good stuffs over Pinterest and BuzzFeed, so if you want to read tips when traveling I strongly suggest checking out those two sites that I have mentioned.

So for my first ever out of the country trip I did not actually pack a lot of stuffs since I am a pessimist I'm afraid my stuff might get lost in the airport , I just packed things that I would really need. If you are wondering what those things are here is a quick list of the things I have in my luggage:

Clothes and stuffs:
- 3 pair of pants
- 2 pairs of shorts
- 5 shirts
- 3 blouses
- a pair of sneakers (my ever reliable Chucks of course, for the sole purpose of comforts in walking around the city)
- a pair of flip flops (because I only wear 2 kinds of footwear, number 1 is sneakers and number 2 is my favorite sneakers, okay so I wear pumps sometimes like once in a blue moon sometimes so what???)
- a hoodie (just incase it's cold in the plane or something)
- a scarf (I have a thing for scarves, I mean they are so versatile I have them whenever I travel)
- socks
- a pair of leggins
- towel

 Electronics and other miscellaneous things:
- cellphone (I literally can not live without it)
- iPod (I actually had a hard time deciding between the iPod and the iPad, but I ended up choosing the iPod because it is more compact than the iPad, and they have almost the same features it's just that the iPod is the smaller version of the other)
- camera (actually I really do not plan on bring my digicam since it has a mold or something already in its LCD screen but I decided that I will just bring it for back up just in case my phone and iPod's memory becomes full)
- chargers
- headset
- monopod (for taking selfies)
- powerbank (just to be sure I will always have my batteries full charged)

For the toiletries I will no longer tell you my list but just a tip, all the liquid stuffs that you will be bringing should go in the check in luggage. Make sure that all your containers are tightly sealed, I suggest you put them in a ziplock separately then put them together in a bigger ziplock, just to make sure that they will not spill in your luggage.

For the food I just brought some snacks with me like cookies and some chips just in case I get hungry in the trip but knowing me I will be too excited to feel hungry. So that's all for now guys, I will be posting more when I get back home. Ciao! :)

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