iWhite The Original Nose Pack Review

by - August 22, 2016

Actual photo of iWhite Nose Pack
(Photo taken using a Canon IXUS digital camera)

So I have been using pore strippers for quite some time now, I wouldn't name the brands I have used in the past but believe me the iWhite Nose Pack is by far my favorite. We are used to the pre-cut pore strippers in the market but what about those people who need bigger cuts of pore strippers because say they have that envied high and pointed nose? Well fret no more because with the iWhite Nose Pack you get to decide how much you apply on your nose to get rid of those dirt right off it. It is basically cream based so you get to apply it liberally on your nose. You let it stay for about 15 minutes to allow it to dry then you remove it just like how you remove the regular pore strippers. The iWhite Nose Pack contains vitamin A, C and E which helps soothe your skin, tightens your pores and definitely improve your skin texture. The best thing I like about it is that I can also apply it on my T-zone unlike the regular pore strippers in the market plus it is only 18 pesos per sachet which you can use for about 3-4 times depending on how much you apply on your face. You can buy the iWhite Nose Pack in Watsons stores nationwide. They also have other products like face mask you might want to try oh and before I end this blog I just want to say that this is not a paid advertisement, I decided to post this article because I think this product deserves to be featured. That's all for now folks, tune in for more beauty related posts soon lovies. XOXO.

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