Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner

by - September 27, 2016

I have been using the Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner for more than a year now and let me testify to its effectiveness. You see I have very dry skin, and with that I mean really dry especially on the legs. I love lotions however I do not really like that sticky feeling you have after applying them, then fortunately a friend of mine suggested why don't I try the Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner. Based from the product name itself in-shower it means that you will use it while on the shower, I would admit what really led me to using the product was my curiosity because this is actually a first. 

Here are some of the reasons why I love the Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner:
1. It is not sticky. _ It doesn't give you that sticky after-feel that you experience after using the regular lotions in the market.
2. It really conditions your skin. - It works similar to your hair conditioner, only this one works for the body.
3. No need for lotion. - If you are as lazy as I am well this product is a life saver. I always tend to forget to apply my lotion after taking a bath but with the Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner not a single day goes by that my skin gets the nourishment it truly deserves.

***Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner is not meant to substitute your body wash. You carry on with your usual bath routine and just add it on the last part of you routine, that is exactly how I use it. Remember to wash it off 3-5 minutes after applying it, that way you give it ample to time to be absorbed by your skin.

How about you guys, have you tried this product yet? I would like to hear your thoughts regarding the Nivea In-Shower Body Conditioner, hit the comment section below to share your thoughts. :)

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