Extraordinary Means by Robyn Schneider

by - November 10, 2016

Life was going smoothly for Lane until it isn't anymore. He is the typical straight-A student, who only cares about this grades and how he can get in Stanford after high school. But everything has changed one day after he got to the hospital and his x-rays revealed lesions on his lungs.Lane was sent by his parents to Latham, a sanatorium for young adults with multi drug resistance tuberculosis. Lane planned his entire stay at Latham in his head already, he will get better in 3 months go back to his old school continue his AP classes and make it in time for his admission exams in Stanford but things don't always go as planned.

In Latham there is one group of kids that really stands out among the rest and that group includes Sadie, that cool girl you would want to be. Sadie and Nick happen to be in a summer camp together when they were 13. Lane thought that because of that they could be friends unfortunately something happened during that summer camp that actually ruined Sadie's perception of Lane but fate has its own ways. As Lane broke up with his girlfriend Sadie came out of the woods just in time and after getting to the bottom of Sadie's well kept secret about why she was very upset with Lane, the two became closer and closer to one another until before they know it they were already inseparable.

Just when a cure was already procured to cure the multi drug resistant tuberculosis Lane experienced lost beyond his wildest imagination. First he lost Charlie who is a very dear friend and then Sadie.

My rating for this book : 8.5/10

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