Storytime: My own bit of paranormal experience

by - October 31, 2016

In the spirit of Halloween and all things scary, I decided to share some on my paranormal experiences with you guys.I don't know if my imagination was just playing tricks on me or what in the following instances but I am sure as hell that there is something spooky about it.

I work as a school nurse in a college in our province. The school building is not that very big though, it's just a 3-story building in the middle of the city. Let me tell you first the floor plan of the clinic and library, because this is where my first story happened. The clinic is located just right behind the library, you literally just have to pass one door to go to both the library and the clinic, you actually have to go through the library to go to the clinic. So it was one hot afternoon and I was asked to stay in the library to look after the students who are doing the research in there, during that time nothing really spooky or what happened, but right after the students left and as I was about to leave the library the book from one of the shelves suddenly fell off the shelf. The book was located on the top most shelf, and it was a very heavy book, I was so damn sure that there was no gush of wind or whatsoever that could have blown it off its shelf. I almost jumped out of fright during that moment. I was so scared I instantly ran out of the library and went to the security guard and asked her to check it for me. She was not surprised at all when I told her what happened, she said that they themselves have actually experienced several unexplainable things.

Another unexplainable experience I had happened one Saturday morning, I was at work at around 7:50AM and I badly need to pee, I asked one of our Admin staffs to accompany me to the clinic, mind you I was the school nurse and yet I am still spooked going to the clinic alone after what happened on the library. So, when we went down to go to the clinic I have both the keys of the library and the clinic with me. The library is locked as well as the clinic for security purposes. When we got to the clinic there were footprints on the floor of the clinic, like someone with muddy shoes went in the toilet of the clinic get his muddy shoes wet then went out leaving footprints on the floor. My initial instinct is to clean the floor which was what I actually did, I even told my companion how disgusting the prints were and that the person who used the toilet should have at least cleaned the mess. So I just went on with my business because I didn't really think it was much of a big deal. When we got upstairs, I asked our officemates who among them used the toilet in the clinic but to our surprise, no one used it. I though they were just playing tricks on us and they are just trying to scare us so I decided to go to the CCTV control room and asked our IT to check the cameras for me. We used the clinic toilet at around 7:50-8:00AM so whoever left the footprints used it before we did and based on how the footprints appear it was still a little damp at that time meaning it shouldn't have been that long. I asked our IT to check the CCTV about 30 minutes before we used it if someone has used it before us, but to our surprise no one did. There were two CCTVs that would definitely show if someone used the clinic toilet, the first one is located in the hallway where the library is located and the other one is right inside the library which would actually show who goes in and out of the library, and as I have mentioned earlier, you would have to go through the library first before you can actually go in the clinic. We are shocked beyond words could say when he told us that it was only us who used the toilet since the before that incident happened. Up to this day we still hadn't figured out how those footprints got in there.

My last story happened, in the registrar's office. I don't know if we were just damn tired that day that our imagination played a trick on us or if something unexplainable really happened that day. It was already 5:00PM and me as well as our registrar was about to go home already. I clearly remember putting the lock of the office in her table, and she actually saw me put it in her table and she also saw the lock on her table moments after I placed it there but to our surprise when we were about to go home we could no longer find the lock. She was asking me if I took it but I said no, I told her I placed it on her table and she acknowledged that I actually did. We were already baffled at that time because we both saw the lock on her table, even if we know that it should be on the table I told her we should just look for it instead, which was what we actually did. I turned to the cabinets to look for it and she also tried to look for the lock. After about 5 minutes of looking she sat down on her table and to her surprise the lock was already on top of it, and we swear it wasn't there when we turned to the cabinets to look for it. We were totally mind blown after that moment, we tried to laugh it off talking how crazy we were and how we could have missed it but we both know deep down that it was not there before.

So that's it for some of my paranormal experiences, I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Let me know if you want to read more stories like this one. Also, I would love to hear your own unexplainable spooky stories, comment down below if you have any. :)

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