All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda

by - December 02, 2016

This book was basically about the disappearance of two girls, Corinne and Annaleise, who just suddenly vanished. But as we all know no one just suddenly vanishes into thin air, there is always a reason behind every disappearance. I do not want to give away much in this post so as to leave you with that air of mystery.

The book begun on the last day of the story unfolding one day at a time towards the very beginning, which is actually one of the most fascinating thing about it. It would have seem like Nic, the main character in the story, is such a sweet and lovely person only to be surprised in the end. Nic had to go back home to her hometown because they have to sell their house in order to pay for their father's hospital bills. Going home was never one of the most exciting things for Nic, she does not like to go back in her hometown because she has managed to live in a city and have a lawyer for a fiance already, but sometimes things do not always go as planned.

As Nic went back memories of the past started to flood her. And just as she thought everything will go well her neighbor Annaleise, who is the current girlfriend of her ex-boyfriend, suddenly disappeared. Now Nic finds herself again i n the middle of a mystery disappearance just like several years back when her best friend Corinne suddenly disappeared after they went to the country fair.

Now the memories of the past as well as the current situation she is facing in the present could Nic unshackle herself once more in the middle of the disappearance mayhem she is at.

My rating for this book: 10/10

I super love mystery books and those that makes you want to finish the book in just one-sitting. If you have read the book entitled The Girl On The Train and if you liked it then I strongly suggest that you also read this book.

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