Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

by - December 30, 2016

The book is about the reasons behind the suicide of Hannah Baker. As the story unfolds Hannah explained how each person have affected her life story and how it lead to her decision to take her own life. After her death an audio recording in the form of cassette tapes were being passed from one person to another. The thirteen people involved played a role in Hannah's decision. There were 7 tapes in total and there is always one side of the tape for each person.

The book followed Clay as he listened to Hannah's cassette tapes. Clay has always been a studious student and a very kind and shy kind of dude. He has always had a crush on Hannah but he was to shy to ask her out. He was extremely surprised when he received the tapes and he was wondering why on earth was he on Hannah's list. He has always been good to Hannah and he could not recall even a single reason why Hannah would include him in her list.

Hannah's story begun on a single gossip, that gossip ruined her reputation. She was new in town and in school and because of that gossip she was not even able to show to everyone who she really was because no matter what she does, no matter how good her intentions were that gossip was like a black cloud hovering over her no matter where she goes.

By the end of listening to the tapes Clay was able to understand Hannah better and what made her do the thing she did.

My ratings for this book: 9/10

*** This book actually have an audio accompaniment in Youtube. So if you ever read this book I suggest you search up the audio in Youtube for better appreciation of the book.

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