Fallen by Lauren Kate

by - April 08, 2017

Luce lived a perfectly normal life. She had wonderful parents who loves her so much, gives her everything she needs and sends her to a wonderful school. But one day things changed for what she thought was the worst for her, as she was spending some intimate moments with Trevor, the boor dude suddenly burst into flame. Confused and scared Luce had to deal with the aftermath of the event including being sent to Sword and Cross Academy, a reform school near their hometown.

In Sword and Cross, Luce met Arianne who because one of the first person Luce became friends with. She also met a very handsome guy, Daniel, whom she thought she have met before but just could not figure out where and when. She also made friends with Penn, who helped her get through the loops in Sword and Cross. There was also this cute guy named Cam who treats her in a very special way.

Several unexplainable instances happen that made Luce wonder if there is something more than meets the eye for her in Sword and Cross. As time goes by things starts to unfold and Luce finally learned the reason behind Daniel's repulsive treatment towards her. She learned that some of the students in Sword and Cross are actually fallen angels and that some belong to heaven while some belongs to hell.

The story ends with Luce fleeing Sword and Cross, through the help of her friends, as the angels and demons fight a battle.

My rating for this book : 8/10

***I really enjoyed reading this book, there were several chapters that I find boring but the twists makes it difficult for me to stop reading it. As much as I want to put much detail in this post about the story of the novel I think it would be best for you guys to read it for yourself. Fallen is the first of four books of the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate.

P.S. If you want me to review a specific novel please let me know in the comment section below. Also, if you have read Fallen already you may also share your thoughts about it on the comment section below.

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