Potipot Island Escapade

So while everybody was headed to Boracay last May 1 for Laboracay we opted a beach that has less visitors instead. My boyfriend and I decided to go to Zambales. We actually planned to go to Crystal Beach Resort in San Narciso but ended up going to Potipot Island in Sta. Cruz instead due to an error in the booking in Crystal Beach Resort, I would have to tell more about that in my future post but for now let's talk about Potipot Island first.

This was a very sudden and unplanned trip good thing Kuya Roldan and Ate Judie were very helpful, they were our contact person in Potipot Island. So I called Kuya Dan last April 29 to ask if they could help us in our planned trip and he gladly obliged.

We ride a bus from Malolos at 4:30AM and we arrived in Potipot Island at around 2PM. The travel time was lengthy but worth it. We brought with us our tent and food to get us by in our overnight stay. The island was clean and there were many guests in the island. Potipot has pristine white fine sand and very clear blue water. You can choose either to go camping or rent a cottage, we opted for the camping, the overnight fee in the island is 300php per person. 

If you are going to go camping I suggest you bring your own tent also a mat and maybe 1 or 2 pillows for your comfort.

As for the food there are grilling stations in the island so you can actually bring raw food to grill if you're up for it. There are also several stores in the island where you can buy food and snacks, but if you want to eat rice you better bring some because there are no stores in the island that sells rice and viand. We brought with us 2 canned tunas and 2 cup noodles just in case we go hungry, we also bought rice and viand before we went to the island, again thanks to our reliable tour guides Ate Judie and Kuya Dan for giving us a heads up. 

The water in the island is so clear it is very inviting. You can swim and play volleyball in the island.

As for our camping experience per se it was really good. For first time campers like us we forgot some stuffs like plates and blankets good thing we have jackets LOL. I will be posting the common list of stuffs you have to bring for camping in my future post for your reference.

All in all we spent roughly 3000php wih all our expenses combined.

That's all for now guys, 'til my next blog. XO 

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