Turtles All The Way Down by John Green

by - February 16, 2018

(Photo taken with Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro)

He has done it yet again. Well aclaimed author John Green has crafted another amazing novel that would surely capture the interest of his readers.

Turtles All The Way Down is a novel the circles around the life of Aza Holmes. Aza is a high school student struggling with a mental health issue she calls "The Spiral". She had this tendency to over think about getting different illness by getting nasty bacterias which would colonize her body eventually leading her to an illness. Aside from here mental health issues, Aza has to deal also some issues with her bestfriend Daisy and her childhood friend Davis.

I was truly amazed at how John Green had illustrated perfectly what is going through the main character's mind and how he was able to put so much description in his words. I would love to put as much detail in this post as I could but doing so would defeat the purpose of reading this amazing book.

Have you read Turtles All The Way Down too? Let me know your thoughts about this book in the comment section below.

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