Careline Multi Pot

by - September 28, 2019

❤️ If you are looking for a very affordable product that works three ways then this might be the product that you are looking for. This is definitely a budget friendly product, priced at only 165 pesos. The shade I chose is Magic Spell which I think is somewhat peachy in color.

❤️ Now let's talk first about the packaging, it comes in a round white plastic container, typically similar to all the other Careline products. The plastic used is similar to those kinds that you fear dropping because you know that if you do chances are it will definitely shatter into a million pieces.

❤️ For the product itself, it is pigmented although I had to apply the product twice before I saw an evident color payoff. It was also quite oily and it does leave your skin feeling dewy. As for the longevity I would say it lasted a good 3 hours with no retouch on my cheeks. For the lips, I had a hard time applying this on my lips because it doesn't seem to work well with my lips, no matter how much product I apply it just did not work.

❤️ Would I recommend this product? If you are in a budget and you really want a multipot, then yes definitely. If you have the budget I would say you go for the other brands that have already set the standards when it comes to multipots.

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