Simple Chocolate Cake Recipe

by - September 21, 2014

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In a world that looks up to girls who can bake it is really important to know such skill but not really necessary though. When you know how to bake it is like finally proving to everyone like "hey I am a girl you know coz I bake!". Okay that is a little sexist but hey correct me if I am wrong but girls who can bake is like the girl a guy would want to take home to his mom because he knows they have something in common that the two of them would surely love to talk about or if you're even lucky they might also exchange their favorite fudge brownie recipe. I'm not saying that it's a must to know how to bake all I am saying is it's one of those skills everybody would love to acquire.

So are you now somewhat convinced that you must try to learn how to bake? If you are, I have here a very simple choco cake recipe that I actually tried today.

- Maya Chocolate Cake Mix
- 1 egg
- 3 tablespoon oil or butter
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 tablespoon Nutella (not really necessary)

Firts, mix the egg, oil and water. Next add the choco cake mix. Stir the ingredients using a wooden spoon until you make a smooth mixture already. (Add some Nutella for that chocolatier taste.) Transfer the mixture in a cake pan which you already brushed with some oil, this will make it easier for you to remove the cake in the pan later on. Pre heat the oven in 177 degrees celcius for a few minutes. Put the cake mixture in the pre heated oven. Use a toothpick to check if the cake is already good to go, if after sticking the toothpick in the cake it comea out clean then your cake is ready to go. The time of baking depends on the thickness of your cake mixture, the thinner your cake is the faster it would be baked.

Easy right? Now go get your self in that kitchen and try out this very simple cake recipe. :)

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