by - September 22, 2014

Photo credits to Google

Putting another country in a bad light just to prove that you are better does not actually make you better, it is just way beyond unethical. Are you that threatened with the Philippines that you are that desperate to put such ad? Seriously, for a country that considers itself as a country that it more superior than the Philippines well that ad by Aegis Malaysia is not just disappointing but more than that it is discriminating, derogatory and definitely racist. If that is how you play the game of the corporate world well then I will not be surprised if one day I will see the downfall of your company. And just for the record the Philippines is one of the most favored and preferred country of many BPO companies around the globe, you want to know why? Because despite the inadequate infrastructure,less security and being prone to natural disasters Filipino employees are hard-working and very passionate individuals who do their very best in their jobs. We are fluent speakers of the English language despite not being a native speaker of it. Have you tried listening to a Filipino BPO employee? Well you should because they speak English so well in a neutral accent any nationality would definitely understand.

I am not in the BPO industry but nonetheless I would still want to raise my voice regarding this matter coming from a country where most of the people are working in BPO companies. I actually want to talk trash to those people who made such crappy and inappropriate ad as such but I will not because we Filipinos are better than that. We need not to say bad things about others because we know our strengths, we are secured in our skills, we know that no matter what other people say against us will not matter to our current and future BPO industry clients because we know that their trust in our skills did not falter with such lame ad.

To those who made that crappy ad may God bless you. We hope that you prosper as much as we do. We hope that you find that security and certainty in your own capabilities so that you will not need to put such trashy ad ever again.

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