Midnight Thoughts Vol. 1

by - October 18, 2014

So uhm there's this cute guy in school right now. He has these super cute eyes and that nose that just makes you stare. He is also super nice. Such a cutie pie but he's a hell lot younger than me. So for the very first official "Midnight Thoughts" blog series let's talk about -dating a guy who is younger than you.

We are now living in a modern world that is liberated and open-minded. It is actually not an issue anymore if the guy is younger than you but if you were raised in a family like mine, it might cause some commotions. Men are typically less mature than girls (see boys? I did not even used the harsh immature word for you here) so I think that's where the problem starts. I am not talking about all men in general because there are some who are actually far more mature than their age but most men think 2 years younger than how they are suppose to think (sorry guys). I think people now think that it is okay to date a younger guy because the television says it is okay and you know how things go nowadays if they see it on TV most probably they think it is okay. I think dating a younger guy has its pro's and con's.

1. He's HOT - Yeah so this is probably the most obvious one but I think it depends. I am just in my mid twenties and the guy I was talking about is about in his late teens, not that far of an age gap you might say. In my case he is cute but definitely not hot, I imagine myself having a date with him in the mall and we might be mistaken as brothers and sisters and that would really be uhmm so not nice. So I guess this point depends on how you look at it.

2. He's not yet financially capable - So Mr.In-his-late-teen's guy is still in college that makes him financially dependent to his folks and seriously that is kind of a turn off (for me atleast.) I mean why would someone who is on her sane mind would like to date such guy? HELLO! Choose someone who can provide girl!!!

3. He's a trophy - I think the one of the reason why you I am even considering these "Midnight Thoughts" is because I find him physically attractive. Can I get a yes for that? Yes! With a capital Y-E-S!!! Who wouldn't want a tall and handsome guy for a date right? I mean come on! Pretensions aside, I want one!!! he is a trophy boyfriend if things comes to that.

4. He is a pain in the ass (in the long run) - Jealous type girlfriends raise your hands! Having a trophy boyfriend is one hell of a tough job to keep. Girls will always be lurking around trying to snatch your man and if you are the jealous type this would mean a lot of fight nights between you two. So save yourself from all the dramas and heartaches darling!

I actually have a whole lot more stuffs in mind about this topic right now but I shall put mind to rest for the night. I shall talk about this topic some other time.

Do you have any thoughts about our "Midnight Thoughts" topic for today? Share it with us. Comment below and let your thoughts be heard (or should I say let your thoughts be read?).

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