Midnight Thoughts Vol. 2 : On Inner Demons - ENVY

by - November 24, 2014

I know right from wrong, I have been taught of such ever since I was born. I think the one thing my parents would be so proud to tell the whole world is that they have raised their children well. Maybe one of the reasons why I have always been aware of the right things from the wrong one is because I was raised in a family that is financially stable because whether we admit it or not money is the root of all evil. You do stupid and crazy things because of money. My mom usually tells me and my brother never envy others fortune and material possessions. I have grown up to the woman I am right now with that in mind but I am still human and despite knowing that I should not envy others there are still several occasions that I find myself feeling envious of what others have that I don't but then again my mom's words will echo in my ear reminding me that it is not right to be envious because if I will look at the picture closer I am much fortunate than those I am envious with. God has showered me and my family numerous blessings that I should be thankful for instead of wallowing in envy.

I have come to realize as well how memories and experiences are far better than any material possessions. When you experience something it leaves a special mark in your heart and in your mind. I will never trade my out of the country trip for any gadget in the world because it is in that experience that i have come to experience the culture of another country. In that experience I have met several Filipinos working abroad each facing their own adversities in life. I have learned how frightening it feels to get lost in a foreign land and how proud it feels when you find your way back home. Each trip abroad is another opportunity to meet the world in a different dialect spoken at home.

I have come to realize that I should not envy those with material possessions for I have in me greater things that they can never take away, the memories of a girl who was once lost in a foreign land who found her way back home through the help one of her kababayans. the gift of traveling is far more greater than any gadget one can own, for in this life there are only memories that stays with us forever.

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