25 Things I Learned by 25

by - April 12, 2015

1. Things will not always go as planned, learn to be versatile and flexible.
2. Learn how to take control. Whether it's your emotion or your tongue, learn how to take control.
3. Travelling is like food but for the soul. It gives you better perspective at things.
4. It's okay not to know where you are going sometimes but always keep a goal at hand.
5. Your success does not define you. It is always the other way around.
6. Your first love will not always be your last love. And believe me, you will find love in the strangest of places.
7. It is not your fault that some of your relationships fell apart. It takes two to tango remember that.
8. Some people are only meant to stay for a short period of time in your life. Not everyone is meant to stay for a while.
9. Never ask for a love that is equal to what you are giving. Love is never meant to be measured but rather it needs to be felt. It needs to be given.
10. When life gives you lemon, make some lemonade.
11. Learn gratitude. Always be grateful.
12. Say sorry when you're wrong and mean it.
13. Give credit when it is due.
14. Life has sometimes its funny ways of taking you to places you never would have imagined being at.
15. Learn to know when enough is enough. 
16. You cannot blame yourself for everything that has gone wrong.
17. Move on. You cannot stay on one place forever.
18. Get out of your comfort zone. Yes it is scary but it will help you grow and become the person you always wanted to be.
19. Forgive. Do not carry the burden of hatred. 
20. Give up your excess baggage. Whether it is pride or envy or whatever. If it's not important give it up. 
21. You don't need a lot of friends, you only need a few who will always stay true to you.
22. Not every promise will be kept. Deal with it and be done with it.
23. Lower your expectations. Remember, expectation is very much synonymous to disappointment when unmet.
24. Your family will always be your family. Blood will always be thicker than water.
25. And most importantly, put God first and everything will fall into place.

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