Everything Everything by Nicola Yoon

All her life Madeline have only been in one place and that is here house. She has SCID which means she basically have allergies to everything. Her mother is a doctor so she takes care of all her medical needs. She has Carla who is her personal nurse. She has online classes since she can't leave their house and her favorite subject is Architecture.

One day a new neighbor came who lives just right next door and before she knows it she has been exchanging emails already with Olly, their new neighbor. Olly have his problems to face as well. His dad is not quite the typical dad, his dad usually yells and shouts at them and sometimes his dad also hits him and his mom.

It was not very long before Madeline and Olly found themselves falling for one another. And when Madeline's mom disapproves of their relationship that's when she decided she wanted to go outside and experience the real world however sudden turn out of event happened when she was out. 

*** I have to read this book before it hits the theater which by the way is coming very soon (no promotion whatsoever intended there) because I know I just have to. Medical-related novel combined with love story, I mean come on who doesn't want that, but kidding aside, I just really enjoy reading this genre. If you also love romantic novels this is actually a good read, it's not the heavy drama romantic novel though but rather just a very light one. I also enjoyed the graphic portions of the book they are very amusing and entertaining. I would love to tell the entire story to you guys but it's just too good for me to spoil. I highly recommend this book.

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