What are Jade Rollers?

💚 Jade facial rollers are these little somewhat paint roller-like green stuff most people use nowadays. The use of it can be dated way back since the 17th century in China. Benefits are believed to include removing toxins from the skin, smooths fine lines, decrease circles under the eyes, ease tension headaches, calm inflammation, heal breakouts, brighten the skin and creates feeling of zen to name a few. But according to studies the scientifically accepted benefits of jade rollers are increasing blood circulation and depuffing.

💚 So how do this rollers actually depuff the face? Its actually quite simple. The rollers actually massage the lymphatic system therefore helping clean the face of toxins and wastes. When you massage the lymphatic system it helps the face move the excess water.

💚 The jade roller must be used in a clean and moisturized skin. It is advised that l when rolling it must always be in an upward and outward motion. Keeping these jade rollers in the fridge prior to using it also helps in reducing under eye swelling and puffiness. Cleaning the jade rollers is quite easy, all you need is a damp cloth or baby wipes then wipe it clean and dry it with towels. Do not use hot water and do not soak it underwater.

💚 You can find these rollers on some Instagram stores also in Shopee and Lazada, the price ranges from as low as 95 pesos to as high as 2000+ pesos. I wouldn't say that the prices affects the overall performance of the rollers though. I suggest you go for whatever you feel comfortable spending your money unto. In case you are wondering I got mine from Shopee for only 158 pesos shipping fee included.

💚 Do I find it to effective? With all honesty I see no difference in my face based from the time I started using it which is two weeks ago. Maybe I should give it some more time, so I will probably be updating this post should there be any changes.

💚 Have you tried any facial rollers as well? What were your thoughts on them? Share your thoughts on the comment section below, I would love to hear from you lovies 😘

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