By Wishtrend Pure Vitamin C 15% with Ferulic Acid

by - September 10, 2020


🍊If you are a beginner in using vitamin C serum then you might want to consider trying out Pure Vitamin C 15% with Ferulic Acid. This serum is highly advisable for oily and combination skin. This is a vitamin C serum that contains 15% pure vitamin C which helps with antioxidant care, skin brightening, acne prevention, boosting collagen, and recovers the skin from UV rays, added to that is ferulic acid that maximizes the antioxidant and antibacterial effect of vitamin C, how cool is that?

🍊 Swipe to see full list of ingredients.

🍊 The product is contained in a 30ml dark amber colored bottle with dropper applicator. I noticed that the cap of this product easily loosens up, so you have to be careful because chances of spilling it is quite high. As per instruction, I usually use 2-3 drops of the product and apply it on my face by patting gently until it is fully absorbed. The product has a watery consistency and it is very lightweight upon application. Upon initial use of the product there was a slight stinging sensation that lasts for about 5 minutes. It also has this strong smell that reminds me of medicines of some sort. I use this product at night, but you can also use it during the day just don't forget to wear your sunscreen. After a month of using the product I have noticed that some of my blemishes faded but not entirely, I will definitely continue using this product because it delivers promised results. I am also thinking about using this to spot treat particular dark spots on my face, I will keep you updated on that soon.

🍊 Tips: If you are new to vit C serum, you may do patch testing first. Also, gradually increase the frequency of your usage and add it to your routine, you may start from using it 2-3 times per week until you finally get to use it daily.

🍊 Would I recommend this? Yes. Although the process might take some time, still slow progress is still progress. I love the effectivity of this product as well.


🍊 This is available at for $28. It is also available at and BeautyMNL for P1560.

Disclaimer:  This product was generously provided by for me to try and review. All thoughts expressed here are based on my own experience with the product aforementioned. - 𝐇𝐞𝐲𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐭 ™

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