Why All I Need for Good Pictures is my Samsung Galaxy S3

by - October 01, 2014

Photo credits to Google

Although I would really want to have a DSLR I do not have enough money to buy such gadget as of the moment for the sole purpose of taking beautiful photos. I have been obsessed with taking photos since I was in high school, back when all I have is a 600php-worth point and shoot film camera. I was last to have a digicam, I had my digital camera when I was in college and I had it ever since, I never bought another, I was happy with my camera. I always believed that not all who holds a DSLR can be said to be a photographer because photography is more than just taking pictures. Photography is capturing the moment and making time stand still in a single photograph.

So here are the reasons why I think all I need to take good pictures is my Samsung Galaxy S3:
1. 8MP camera - Okay so this might be low compared to other devices that are on the market today but hey for someone who just loves taking photos of their food in their favorite restaurant just to post it on their Instagram I think this is very much okay already.
2. It's handy - The problem with DSLR is that it is so bulky. If you are the point and shoot kinda girl a DSLR is definitely not for you, since it requires a lot of adjustments before you take that photo whereas my ever so reliable S3 takes wonderful photo in a snap. I need not to bring several lenses just to achieve that perfect photo all I need is my S3, its charger and a powerbank (just in case my battery dies out).
3. Built-in Photo Editing apps - GooglePlay has lots of photo apps that will surely satisfy your needs. I actually posted a few weeks ago the photo apps that I really love. With my S3 I do not need to edit the pictures I take with Adobe Photoshop in my laptop anymore because I can do the editing right on my phone.
4. Uploading to Social Networking Site - Now this is such a hassle-free work. Since most phones now have apps like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram uploading your photos is a piece of cake which I think no DSLR can do.

Yes DSLR is good, no actually it is the best gadget for taking photos but for those who can't afford it like me don't fret because nowadays we have tons of other gadgets that can do what a DSLR can do without having to spend as much. :)

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