Alone Time

by - September 05, 2014

It's days like today that I love the most, sitting in a coffee shop while reading a book. I love hearing the buzz of the people outside the shop chatting, the sound of the coffee machines and utensils in the counter play like melodies in my ears and the chill coffee house music playing in the background. 

Mom, Dad and the brother bear went to Robinsons to renew their passport so I was left alone to tend to myself so I decided to hangout in JCo to eat an Alcapone donut which is my other favorite next to New York Cheesecake of Krispy Kreme of course. And no I am not writing another food review for JCo, this is just another entry here in my blog where I will put my thoughts (while I was in JCo) into writing.

I have always been afraid of being alone in public places. It makes me feel like as if I don't have friends but now I have come to realize that there will be days that it will be so much better to sit alone in the sea of busy people, after all no one will mind what you are doing anyway nor why you are all on your own. It is also a good time to think things over that had happened in the past few days of your very busy life and to reflect as well.

Being alone is not bad, it is a time for you to connect with your inner self and that is okay every once in a while. :)

Are you afraid of being alone in public places too? Share your thoughts with us, leave a comment in our comment box. :)

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