Relationship Dilemma Unravelled: Vol. 01

by - October 04, 2014

Photo credits to Google

He sends you sweet messages everyday. He hangs out with you all the time. He drops hints that he is in to you. You actually think he likes you but there is one problem, he has a girlfriend (or has just broken up with his ex-girlfriend and you know you are going to become a rebound girl or so). How can girls handle such situation still lies as a big question. There are many things that a girl can face when she is in a relationship.

Here are few problems that girls encounter in a relationship:

1. If he is taken then HE IS A NO-NO! - Respect. Some girls will go down the slutty line just to get the guy she wants but hey imagine yourself in the shoe of the other girl how would that make you feel? Sucks right? So remember this very important rule, if a guy is taken then stay far far far away from him (yes with emphasis on far!)

2. He just broke up with his girlfriend - If you are okay with being the rebound girl then go get him but if you are after real love, affection and relationship then I think you should stay away from this kind of guy. All you will be is a second rate version of his ex-girlfriend if you become the rebound girl. His issues with his ex will always come up in you relationship and it will haunt you I swear.

3. He is younger than you - I am open with the idea of having relationships with younger men but remember to extra cautious when doing so, you wouldn't want to be the one taking care of him right? Every girl deserves a man who will take good care of her.

4. He is your student - Okay, i don't want to be judgmental here or whatever but if you are in a relationship with your student (forgive me but) I think that is so not good. I think it is somewhat unethical but who am I to judge. If you are caught up in this situation and you really like the guy then at least be very discreet, yes keep your relationship hidden if you have to just until he graduates.

5. He is your boss - This is tricky. Everyone will gossip about your relationship at some point believe me and the tricky part is how you will not seem like a the girl who gets her job because he is the boss's girlfriend. If you are in this situation then just act normally. Do not avoid him in the office but be very very professional, save all the cuddling and kissing in his bedroom please! 9or in his car if you can't really help yourselves)

More relationship dilemmas on my next posts. :)

Do you have other relationship dilemmas that you would like to share? I would love to hear from you. Share your thought in the comment box. :)

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